Fibrous raw materials from an alternative supply chain for building products

  • H. J. Gusovius
  • C. Lühr
  • J. Budde
  • R. Pecenka
Keywords: Alternative whole crop utilization, hemp, wet preservation, fibre boards, mineral bond composites


In the traditional process fibre crops like hemp are mowed at harvest time, dried on the field and usually retted, too. An alternative supply chain proceeds chopping of the crop from the stand and its wet preservation thereafter. Bunker silos or foil wrapped silos are used for this storage procedure as known for example for animal fodder. The duration of wet preservation can be prolonged up to the next year’s harvest without negative impact on mechanical properties of the single fibre element. By a new procedure the desired semi-finished or final product is processed from the preserved material directly, using the whole plant mass. This is carried out through an extruder mill and a refiner. A drying and further handling can follow in order to e.g. manufacture fibre boards. Further preliminary experiments were carried out for the utilization of wet preserved whole crop raw material as well as extruded respectively milled fibrous intermediates in mineral bonded building materials. Samples from the different stages of the supply and processing chain were analysed for their chemical composition, particle morphology and final product properties.

How to Cite
Gusovius, H. J., Lühr, C., Budde, J., & Pecenka, R. (2017). Fibrous raw materials from an alternative supply chain for building products. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 35(2), 29-34.