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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, or Latex document file format, based on the given template.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined and respects the journal template (Word or Latex)

Author Guidelines

Prior to submitting your paper, please follow the instructions given below.

Articles intended for Academic Journal of Civil Engineering should be submitted online using our Web-based submission tool. To submit your paper online, please go to https://journal.augc.asso.fr/index.php/ajce and upload your article and associated files. All correspondence between editor and author is performed by e-mail.


43ème Rencontres Universitaires du Génie Civil de l'AUGC


Les 43ème Rencontres Universitaires du Génie Civil de l'AUGC, co-organisés par l'INRAE, Polytech Marseille et l'Université Aix-Marseille (AMU) auront lieu à Marseille sur le campus AMU de Chateau Gombert du 3 au 6 juin 2025. Ces journées permettront de réunir enseignants, chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs, étudiants-doctorants et professionnels pour des échanges tant sur la formation que sur la recherche et mettront en avant un état des avancées dans les domaines du génie civil, sous forme de sessions orales, de posters ou de vidéos.

Les Rencontres seront précédées d'une demi-journée de formation doctorale, le 3 juin 2025 de 14h à 18h à Aix-en-Provence (site INRAE)

La thématique de ces RUGC2025 est : Le génie civil et l’eau, opportunités et risques pour l’adaptation au changement climatique ; cette thématique sera déclinée selon les différents thèmes habituellement abordés dans les RUGC.

Les soumissions (article) après acceptation du résumé doivent se faire impérativement en ligne sur le site de l'AJCE (Academic Journal of Civil Engineering). 


Soumission classique : Vous devez rédiger votre article en utilisant le template ci-joint ; Les articles peuvent être rédigés en français ou en anglais selon les préférences des auteurs. Dans "Article component" choisissez "RUGC Manuscript " puis choisir le fichier de votre article à uploader sur la plateforme. N'oubliez pas de confirmer avant de fermer la fenêtre.

Participation au prix Jeune Chercheuse, Jeune Chercheur (Prix René Houpert) :  Une fois votre candidature acceptée (et seulement une fois acceptée), vous pourrez soumettre votre article sur AJCE en choisissant la section "RUGC Prix René Houpert" et en utilisant le template ci-joint.

Tous les articles retenus pour une communication orale ou un poster seront dans les proceedings du congrès, les meilleurs articles feront l'objet d'un numéro spécial de la revue AJCE. Le reviewing permettra également de présélectionner des papiers pour le trophée transition écologique.

Important : Il est nécessaire qu'au moins l'un des auteurs de la communication soit inscrit à la conférence pour que l'article puisse être publié.

 Dates importantes :

  • Remise des articles complets : 15 février

  • Date de retour des reviewers :  15 mars 2025 

  • Remise de la version définitive des articles acceptés : 15 Avril 2025 

  • Tarifs préférentiels d'inscription au congrès et aux journées de formation jusqu’au 30 mars 202


AJCE Regular Issue

Language: English should be preferred even if articles in French will be accepted

Corresponding author: Clearly indicate who is responsible for correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, including post-publication.

Requirements: Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language.

Review: contributions are analyzed by two or more reviewers to ensure both accuracy and relevance, and revisions to the paper may thus be required. On acceptance, contributions are subject to editorial amendment. When a manuscript is returned for revision prior to final acceptance, the revised version must be submitted as soon as possible after the author's receipt of the reviewers' reports. Revised manuscripts returned after four months will be considered as new submissions subject to full re-review. The editor reserves the right to return, prior to refereeing, any manuscripts which do not conform to the instructions for manuscript preparation, as well as papers which do not fit the scope of the journal.

Double-blind review: This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.  Authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity. The authors have to submit separately the Title Page containing the Authors details and Anonymized Manuscript with no author details as 2 separate files (templates dedicated to these two files are provided). In the manuscript,  remove any identifying information, including author names, from file names and ensure document properties are also anonymized, use the third person to refer to work the Authors have previously undertaken, make sure figures do not contain any affiliation related identifier, remove references to funding sources and do not include acknowledgments.

Title page and Manuscript: Files must be in MS Word or in Latex using the appropriate templates: Word (Title Page and Manuscript) & Latex (Template). Figures and tables should be embedded and not supplied separately. Please do not alter the formatting and style layouts which have been set up in the template document. All instructions for the structure and format of the manuscript are given in the template.

Graphical abstract:  Authors are encouraged to provide a graphical abstract. A Graphical Abstract is a single, concise and visual summary of the main findings of the article. This could be a figure from the article or a figure that is specially designed for the purpose.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.