Effect of the use of autoclave on bio-construction materials

  • H. Elaqra
  • L. Arnaud
Keywords: Hemp, lime, silica fume, cement, autoclave, compressive strength


The paper discusses the use of autoclave as acceleration method for increasing the strength of bioconstruction materials. Three mixes where studied, they were prepared in order to have a CaO/SiO2 around 1. Hemp fibers were mixed with three different binder, Lime and silica fume mix (CaO/SiO2 = 1), cement and silica fume mix (CaO/SiO2 = 0,96) and cement, silica fume and lime mix (CaO/SiO2 = 0,95). Two curing temperature (110°C, 130°C and 180°C) used. The results show an increase of the strength of lime and silica fume mix from 0,5MPa to 4,4Mpa after autoclave at 110°C. While the cement and silica fume has an increase from 0,8Mpa to 1,5Mpa after autoclave at 110°C. The same mixes at autoclave 180°C show smaller increase in strength than autoclave at 110°C.

How to Cite
Elaqra, H., & Arnaud, L. (2017). Effect of the use of autoclave on bio-construction materials. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 35(2), 138-141. https://doi.org/10.26168/icbbm2017.20