Hemp concrete using innovative pozzolanic binder

  • T. M. Dinh
  • C. Magniont
  • M. Coutand
  • G. Escadeillas
Keywords: Hemp concrete, hempcrete, hemp shiv treatment


The aim of the present study is to investigate the performances of hempcrete made of hemp shives and an innovative pozzolanic binder (slaked lime, metakaolin and admixtures). In order to improve the performances of hempcrete, a method of hemp shiv pretreatment, very simple and suitable with industrial production, was proposed. Mechanical and thermal properties of untreated and treated hempcrete samples were tested. The results show that hemp shiv pretreatment significantly improved the mechanical properties of hempcrete.

How to Cite
Dinh, T. M., Magniont, C., Coutand, M., & Escadeillas, G. (2015). Hemp concrete using innovative pozzolanic binder. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 33(2), 265-270. https://doi.org/10.26168/icbbm2015.40