Heat transfer of dowelled and bolted steel-to-timber connections exposed to fire: experimentation and numerical modeling

  • A. Samaké
  • P. Audebert
  • M. Taazount
Keywords: Fire, timber, connections, heat transfer, dowel, modelization


This exploration is dedicated of the experimental and numerical studies of heat transfer in timber-to-metal connections (bolts and dowels) in a fire exposure. The study was performed experimentally by testing specimens of connections in an oven with gas burner under the action of an ISO 834 fire temperature-time curve. Then, medialization of these specimens is made under the Msc_Marc software. The numerical model is based on finite element modeling. Finally a comparative study and discussions are made between experimental results and numerical ones.

How to Cite
Samaké, A., Audebert, P., & Taazount, M. (2015). Heat transfer of dowelled and bolted steel-to-timber connections exposed to fire: experimentation and numerical modeling. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 33(2), 555-559. https://doi.org/10.26168/icbbm2015.86