Multiscale framework for corrosion and reliability assessment of inspected pipelines

Keywords: Reliability, spatial variability, corrosion, In-Line Inspection, onshore pipelines


Corrosion attack is one of the main threats for onshore pipelines. Considering the wall reduction may lead to a leak, burst, or rupture of the pipe, the evolution of corrosion degradation is commonly monitored with In-Line Inspections (ILI). These inspections use a set of magnetic or ultrasonic sensors to detect and measure the metal loss at the pipe's inner and outer walls. These measurements are subjected to uncertainties during the detection, measurement, and location, which affect, in turn, the maintenance and repair decisions. This work proposed a framework that deals with and proposes innovative alternatives for these uncertainties to address the reliability assessment. The framework investigates the spatial variability of the corrosion defects, deals with new defects' appearance, and contributes with tools from a reliability perspective. This paper presents the proposed framework's principal elements and their results from a real case study of a 45 km long pipeline.

How to Cite
AMAYA-GÓMEZ, R. (2021). Multiscale framework for corrosion and reliability assessment of inspected pipelines. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 39(1), 301-308.
RUGC René Houpert