Structural assessment of a beam-columns structure – identification of close vicinity

  • Jean-Patrick Plassiard Université Savoie Mont Blanc
  • Andreia MOLON Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Mohamed SAIDI Université Savoie Mont Blanc, LOCIE
  • Olivier PLE
  • William RODRIGUEZ
Keywords: structural health monitoring, close vicinity, beams-columns structure, step by step determination


In the context of sustainability, the durability of the refurbished buildings involves structural retrofitting also. But the assessment methods for evaluating the actual state of such structures are still in progress. For instance, vibrational methods use to define the structural state of a beams-columns structure, conflict with the interaction with vicinity effects. The present paper proposes to define the close vicinity of a structural element, in which most of the effect is gathered. Here, the study was undertaken on a small scale structure made of a single beam – several columns structure. An experimental sample, as well as the numerical model of such a structure, was undertaken. The numerical results indicated that the close vicinity reduces to the two adjacent spans on each side of the considered one. Beginning from one corner of the beam, the actual state of the structure can be totally identified from one span to the next. The experiment results are in good agreement with the numerical results, thuswise this method should be applicable to a damaged structure also.

How to Cite
Plassiard, J.-P., MOLON, A., SAIDI, M., PLE, O., & RODRIGUEZ, W. (2022). Structural assessment of a beam-columns structure – identification of close vicinity. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(1), 5-8.