Moisture transfer in bio-based materials

Application to wood floors on a hempcrete screed

  • Fabien Delhomme INSA Lyon / GEOMAS
  • Coralie Redoules
  • Antoine Lernout
  • Elodie Prud’homme
  • Thibault Geoffray
  • Jostar Laforet
Keywords: hempcrete, moisture, Drying, In-situ test


Hempcrete is known for its advantages in the field of construction, but the lack of standards on this material leads to a lack of guarantees on site. Nowadays, professionals use a sensible approach to evaluate the drying of hempcrete. The goal of this research is to propose a relevant method to assess the water content by in-situ measurements with usual devices. A wood moisture meter was calibrated for hempcrete in order to monitor the drying of a hempcrete screed and enhance the existing database on the hydric transfer mechanisms in hempcrete.

How to Cite
Delhomme, F., Redoules, C., Lernout, A., Prud’homme, E., Geoffray, T., & Laforet, J. (2022). Moisture transfer in bio-based materials. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(1), 25-28.