A new hybrid FEM-DEM approach for more realistic evaluation of masonry structures

  • ANGELA FERRANTE LMGC, CNRS, Univ. Montpellier, Montpellier, France
Keywords: Masonry, Anisotropic damage mechanics, Non-smooth contact dynamics, Cohesive zone model, Hybrid FEM-DEM model


The present work proposes a new hybrid FEM-DEM strategy, which combines the advantages of the classical finite and discrete element methods. The present paper illustrates the capabilities of the hybrid model in reproducing the behavior of  masonry during experimental tests. In this hybrid approach, deformable blocks, managed by a damage model, interact each other through contact joints governed by frictional cohesive behaviors. The main aspect of the numerical results concerns  the ability of this approach in providing realistic prediction of failure mechanisms.

How to Cite
FERRANTE, A. (2022). A new hybrid FEM-DEM approach for more realistic evaluation of masonry structures. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(1), 190-193. https://doi.org/10.26168/ajce.40.1.47