Modélisation du temps de carbonatation d’un matériau exposé à la carbonatation naturelle

  • Franck Antelme KOUASSI Institut de Mathématique de Toulouse
Keywords: Carbonatation naturelle, Béton armé, Corrosion des armatures, Modèle de Cox, Analyse de survie


The study of the time-to-carbonation by analyzing real carbonation dataset have been performed and a Weibull proportional hazard model which includes influencing factors have been proposed. The model is used for reliability assessment of reinforced concrete structure under climate change scenarios.

How to Cite
KOUASSI, F. (2023). Modélisation du temps de carbonatation d’un matériau exposé à la carbonatation naturelle. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 41(3), 28-38.