
  • Tariq ouabi
  • Alain Sellier
  • Jean Michel Torrenti
  • Abdelhafid Khelidj
  • Franck Taillandier
Keywords: Foreword, RUGC2024


Welcome to the Special Issue of the Academic Journal of Civil Engineering related to the conference organized each year by AUGC (The University - Association of Civil Engineering). In 2024, the conference was organized at Le Havre. The conference aimed to promote information dissemination and exchange, discussions and debates on research, learning and practice related to the construction field. Established in 1981, the AUGC aims to develop and promote academic teaching (Undergraduate, Graduate, and PhD) and research in the civil engineering field in the universities and high schools of French Education.

The conference has been co-organized by AUGC and Builders Ecole d'ingénieurs, the INSA Rouen Normandie and the University Le Havre Normandie. The theme was: “Le Génie Civil en territoires maritimes et portuaires, adaptation au changement climatique et transition énergétique” (Civil engineering in maritime and port areas, adaptation to climate change and energy transition).

How to Cite
ouabi, T., Sellier, A., Torrenti, J. M., Khelidj, A., & Taillandier, F. (2024). Foreword. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 42(1), i-ii. Retrieved from