A Design of anchors in masonry under seismic loads

  • Fabien Delhomme INSA Lyon / GEOMAS
Keywords: Fastening, Anchor, Seismic design, Pullout test, Cyclic test, Masonry


Fastenings to set up technical equipment, façade, and secondary structural components, are widely used in building construction. Their static design, which depends on the type of support systems and anchors, is clearly defined in standard codes. However, a lack of standard design rules under seismic loadings in masonry support is noticed. The main difficulty is the wide variability of type of masonry supports and anchors. Nowadays, the only strict design method is to carry out standard seismic tests for each anchor/masonry support couple. From practical and financial aspects, in particular in existing masonries, this solution is toughly doable. The aim of these researches is to define a design method to calculate the seismic design resistance from standard pullout in-situ static tests. A statistical analyse was conducted on laboratory static and cyclic tests on 9 couples anchor/masonry support. Finally, a methodology, with two seismic safety factors to apply to the static strength for hollow or solid masonries, is given. Their values are respectively 1.75 and 1.

How to Cite
Delhomme, F. (2020). A Design of anchors in masonry under seismic loads. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 38(1), 37-40. https://doi.org/10.26168/ajce.38.1.10